Use "purport|purported|purporting|purports" in a sentence

1. A purported biography of him a fake.

2. His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.

3. The purport of his remarks is already familiar.

4. 30 Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.

5. The letter purported to be from the governor.

6. He is the purported author of the story.

7. 20 She purports to represent the whole group.

8. The document purported to be official.

9. Conventionalism purports to offer a solution to this metaphysical puzzle

10. The situation is not what they purport to be.

11. The document is purported to be 300 years old.

12. His plans are not what they purport to be.

13. These are purported to naturally maximize melatonin .

14. It purports to be an exposition of Catholic social teaching.

15. The purport of his remarks was all too clear.

16. This document presumptuously purports to explain how to do research.

17. In 2013 the purported author of the letter surfaced in Beijing.

18. In this respect the sections purport to be of universal application.

19. 17 synonyms for Acceptation: connotation, denotation, import, intent, meaning, message, purport

20. To the extent that it purports to do anything else, I respectfully dissent.

21. They purport to show that judgement should be suspended on all matters.

22. The film purported to represent the lives of ordinary people.

23. The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.

24. Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.

25. 29 The study purports to show an increase in the incidence of the disease.

26. The notary must be certain that the Acknowledger is who he purports to be

27. Synonyms for Acceptations include meanings, purports, significances, senses, messages, denotations, connotations, intents, implications and imports

28. What's wrong with the "fact sheet" purports to correct errors in the NRC report.

29. Its terms purport to enlarge, not to diminish the powers vested in the government.

30. They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

31. (This technique has been used to examine the purported Bible code).

32. These have been retrieved from a purported crash in July 19

33. The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period.

34. It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective purchaser may require.

35. What really provoked my interest was the publication the following week of two purported solutions.

36. Purporting to act under the terms of the lease, the parties appointed an arbitrator, and Ipswich appealed against his award.

37. The purported “standardization” by the Greek Cypriot Committee is ultra vires, and void ab initio.

38. 17 They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

39. A Canard is story—usually a damaging story—that’s false, but purports to be true

40. Though only 638 deputies were present (the quorum was 689), Congress purported to impeach Yeltsin.

41. Cupping therapy, a form of ancient Chinese medicine purported to treat athletic aches and other pains

42. California, home of the world's most famous purported Bigfoot footage, ranks second in the

43. 7 They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

44. In Consociation with practical examples, the purport and calculation method of weighted mean efficiency is elucidated

45. Six words covered that effort by engineers with skills you purport to support in the editorial!

46. Synonyms for Acceptation include meaning, purport, significance, sense, message, denotation, connotation, intent, accepted meaning and import

47. 23 The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.

48. “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) is a campaign driven by national security, intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies that purports to steer people off …

49. A repeated jeer of the author's is that republicans look down on the masses they purport to represent.

50. Petitioner does not purport to have made, and is in no position to make,[sentence dictionary] such findings.

51. They have always been unseemly, since they make a mockery of the moral values they purport to uphold.

52. That sentence does not purport to describe how Abitibi allocated interest expense, according to the United States.

53. The book consisted of eighteen chapters; each defended his actions in what purported to be his own words.

54. Why then did she not inform herself of the purport and effect of the transfer before signing it?

55. In effect, civic-mindedness is treated as outside the realm of what purports to be serious thinking and adult purposes.

56. 24 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.

57. 24 An algorithm purporting to match what is presumed to be operating in a human brain would need to be a stupendous thing.

58. The purport of the message seemed to be that a few top army officers had fled from the country.

59. 25 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.

60. The video features the band members walking and performing in the woods in Nashville, Tennessee (purporting to be Forks, Washington).

61. An Agnostic, on the other hand, does not purport to know conclusively whether any god exists or not

62. The groups carrying on the violence are transgressing the majority will of the peoples they purport to represent.

63. But on the recording, the voice purported to be al - Zarqawi said he was not in Fallujah.

64. "Bracketing" fire regime statistics to account for purported uncertainty associated with targeted sampling was not useful.

65. Worldwide, people are fascinated with a purported Mayan prophecy that predicts a cataclysmic event in 20

66. To the extent that educational programs purport to teach social knowledge, legitimate opportunities for social interaction must be provided.

67. He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.

68. Jackson's purported medical problems - and his sometimes bizarre demeanor - have been a regular feature of previous court appearances.

69. 29 Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.

70. 11 He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.

71. This purports to be more than just a bid to irk Labour by pinching one of its favourite adjectives, promising to realise "progressive ends by conservative means".

72. These foods may be called, or may purport to be, ‘‘pickles’’ or ‘‘pickled.’’ The following foods are not considered Acidified: carbonated

73. It purports to be the end of some orderly progression of thought and effort, yet it constitutes a complete non sequitur.

74. Antrum purports to be a documentary about a lost 1970s film that was only screened twice, because everyone who watches it dies

75. It is true that this model does not purport to describe accurately the way in which the market economy actually functions.

76. During the twentieth century, a number of purported Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary have been reported throughout the Americas

77. The image distributed by the accounts was a purported USAID memo calling on civic groups to back the opposition.

78. The town also developed in popularity as a health resort for sea bathing as a purported cure for illnesses.

79. And just as the gated community concept aggravated the problem it purported to solve, so might the missile shield.

80. QAnon purports that America is run by a cabal of pedophiles and Satan-worshippers who run a global child sex-trafficking operation …